Constitution Making

3 min readDec 26, 2022


The Indian Constitution was accepted by the Constituent Assembly on November 26, 1949. It was implemented on January 26, 1950 AD. This constitution is the longest constitution in the world. The main reason for its expansion is that India is a vast country and people of different religions, castes and cultures live here. Therefore, a comprehensive constitution was necessary for the unity and progress of India. The Indian Constitution has made a commendable contribution in healing the wounds of the people, gathering Indians divided into different classes, castes and communities under one flag. It has also played an important role in strengthening democratic institutions in India. The Constitution of India was framed between December 1946 and November 1949. During this time there was a detailed debate in the Constituent Assembly on each clause of its draft. There were a total of 11 sessions of the Constituent Assembly. During this time various committees and sub-committees presented their views related to the making of the constitution.

1. A Time of Turmoil

The few years preceding the framing of the Indian Constitution were turbulent. It was a time of great hopes and great disappointments. Although India attained independence on August 15, 1947, after centuries of slavery, it was also divided. People had not yet forgotten the Quit India Movement of 1942. This movement was probably the most widespread mass movement against the British Raj. People were also very excited about the valuable contribution made by Subhash Chandra Bose’s Azad Hind Fauj to fight the British. In 1946, soldiers of the Royal Indian Navy revolted against the British Empire in Bombay and other cities. The sympathies of the people were with these soldiers. In the 1940s, workers and peasant movements were going on in different parts of India. This created a new enthusiasm for freedom among the people.

At such a time, the two major political parties of India, the Congress and the Muslim League, were failing to stop the rapidly spreading poison of communalism and establish religious harmony. On August 16, 1946, the Muslim League celebrated Direct Action Day in Calcutta. On this day a period of violence started in Calcutta which soon engulfed many parts of India. These gruesome massacres had made India’s situation explosive.

On August 15, 1947, India finally gained independence after a long struggle. This morning brought a message of new hope to Indians. On that day, people in India celebrated independence in a big way at different places. But on the other hand, for many Muslims in India and Hindus and Sikhs living in Pakistan, this moment was very frightening. Death stood before him with his mouth wide open. Avoiding it was almost impossible.

Therefore, lakhs of refugees were moving from one country to another for their protection. Muslims were moving towards East and West Pakistan and Hindus and Sikhs were moving towards West Bengal and East Punjab. A large number of these were killed on the way.

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The Making of Constitution (Part 2) (

