Sayyid dynasty

After defeating Daulat Khan, Khizr Khan sat on the throne of Delhi in 1414 AD and laid the foundation of Sayyid dynasty. It claimed descent from Muhammad Shahab. He did not assume the title of Sultan and ruled as the regent of Shah Rukh, son of Timur. Khizrkhan had to face many rebellions during his reign. His minister Tajulmulk helped him in suppressing the disorder but he did not get significant success.
Mubarakshah (1421–34 AD)
Khizr Khan appointed his son Mubarakshah as his successor. He assumed the title of Sultan and had to face many rebellions. Against Mubarak Shah, his minister Sakhrulmulk conspired against the Sultan by leading Hindu and Muslim nobles, in which he succeeded. When the Sultan went to see the city built by him on February 19, 1934, he was assassinated there. In the royal text called Tarikh-i-Mubarak Shahi, we get a very detailed description of the reign of Mubarakshah and his predecessors. This book was composed by Yahim-bin-Sirhindi during the reign of Sultan.
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